Aerosoft F 16 Fighting Falcon Serial Number

About This Content The F-16 Fighting Falcon, developed by Aerosoft, is a multirole jet fighter built by General Dynamics for the US Air Force, but famous as a default fighter for Air Forces around the World. Hi - Im new to the forum and was looking for a little help. I recently purchased and downloaded the Aerosoft F-16 Fighting Falcon but when I go to extract the ZIP.

It’s been ten years since FSX came out. In that ten years uncountable numbers of addons have been released. Some good, some bad. One thing that’s really interesting about aviation is that it’s a constantly changing field. No two flights are ever the same, no two aircraft fly the same. Even Aircraft of the same make and model, that were built at the same time can be completely different.

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But in the simulator world things are often static. Imagine Simulations for example.

They make Scenery for Atlanta International. I swear it’s been rebooted about 3 times now. Because of improvements made to the airport in real life that they wanted to make to their scenery.

Add to this the fact that there’s always new people coming into the hobby. Plus with a lot of addons being made backwards compatible with Prepar3D this means that the addons we’ve grown accustomed to over the past decade will still be around for the foreseeable future. So it might be helpful to take a look back at those old addons and see how they measure up today. With this series of articles I plan to do just that. Does it hold up!

With this series I want to look at Flight Simulator addons that have been around for quite awhile. Addons that are still available for purchase. Do they hold up today?

Are they worth buying now in today’s environment? No addon is safe (except the new ones) i’m including things that were made for FS9, but ported for FSX. My first victim is going to be an aircraft that a lot of people looked forward to, an aircraft that was marketed as a game changer to flight simmers.

Not only that, but it wasn’t a classic, it wasn’t an airliner, It wasn’t even a GA airplane. It was a Modern Fighter Jet. The Aerosoft F16!

The Aerosoft F16 was released in 2008 as one of the first major aircraft addons fully developed for FSX. Before this one most addons were ports from FS9, and some were even from FS8. This however was designed and built for FSX. Not only one of the first to do so, but it was a fighter. Military aviation being something that’s sadly not utilized in the civil Flight Sim world.

Despite them having a full globe modeled (compared to the 2 big combat flight sims only being smaller areas), And they chose to do an F16. The F16 Falcon is a Iconic multirole fighter. Capable of flying a wide range of missions. Its fast, agile and carries some pretty impressive avionics. So it was nice to see this aircraft chosen to be the first fighter jet to be made specifically for FSX by a good payware developer.


Before I get started I just need to say one thing. I’ll only say this once in this series so don’t worry you won’t see this every time. Im looking at this addon through modern eyes.

In this review I don’t really care much for how things were when this addon came out. This is 2016, not 2008. Aerosoft did a fantastic job on the model of this bird. Everything looks fantastic. Fine details are captured and even the actual depth of the cockpit itself is there. Lots of animations to play with to. Texturing however leaves a lot to be desired.

Infact I honestly have to zoom in on some of the textures to read them. This is due in part to how cluttered a F16 cockpit is. Especially the Aerosoft one, they chose to model an F16C which is multirole with a single pilot. There’s a lot of switches because there’s only one pilot to handle things.

As opposed to something like the F16D or F15E where you can split some of the stuff between the front and the back. But the low texture resolution is also due to just that, low texture resolution. At the time the addon was made that was the best. But now it just doesn’t cut it.

Especially considering how cluttered an F16 cockpit is. You want labels to be easy to read without the pilot having to zoom in alot.

Now the systems. To sum it up when i’m flying this aircraft I honestly keep asking myself. What did they model on this? All too often I come across a switch that can’t be used. Or a button that can’t be pressed. There isn’t one.

The RWR is not functional. Now in Aerosoft’s defence, it’s not functional on any FS aircraft i’ve seen. Even the F15E which I love so much. Probably because it’s just not possible to model an RWR for FSX, at least not one true to life. And at the time it wasn’t applicable because things like VRS tacpack were only the dreams of Military flight simmers. But it would have been nice to have the switches there, and at least appear to do something. Compare and contrast my preferred FSX fighter aircraft, the IRIS F15E Mudhen.