Blank Koagulogramma

With the newborn's Apgar score. It requires the client to have an empty bladder. *Nothing above. What anesthesia is. Koagulogramma.gif (450×649). Maria Medicine Endocrine System, part 2 - Hormone Cascades: A&P #24 Endocrine Hormones.

1.patient 30 years to increased body temperature 38,5 oC, there was pain in small joints, and swelling an d erythema face. In th e blood: er. - 2.6 * 1012 / l; Hb -98 g / l, Lake. - 2 * 109 / l, ESR -58 mm / hour. In Urine: protein - 3,1 g / l, er.- 10 -15 in p / s. On any illness you can think in this case?

Systemic sclerode rma B. Acute glomerulonephritis C. Nodular periarteriyit E. Systemic lupus vivchak 2.In full-term infants have: CHDR -26/hv. And HR-90/hv., Blue skin, muscle tone low, the suction catheter from the nose and mouth of mucus and amniotic fluid baby responds grimace. Reflexes reduced. Auscultatory: The lungs weaken ed vesicular breathing.

Heart tones sounding. After 5 minutes - breath ing rhythmically, 38/hv.An d HR -120/h v. What is the most likely diagnosis? Syndrome of respiratory disorders C.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia D. Congenital pneumonia E. Birth injury 3.Sergeant wounded projectile fragments in the left subcostal area.

On the battlefield, in order of mutual aid, it w as imposed bandage individual package. Delivered to the WFP.

Complains of dizziness, weakness, thirst, abdominal pain. The general condition of hard, pale, Ps - 120/hv.Abdomen soft, painful during palpation.

Dressing well is fixed, but a bit saturated with blood. What type of transport and in which all you need to evacuate the victim OmedB?

Sanitati on trucks to turn 1 -shu B. Passing vehicles in the 3-rd place C. Passing vehicles in the 2 nd place D. Sanitation trucks in the 2 nd place E. Passing vehicl es in an al l -shu 4. Patients 30 years turned to the doctor complaining of lack of menstruation for 2 years after birth, hair loss, loss of body weight.

Birth complicated by bleeding at the uterine hypotonia. OBJECTIVE: ill asthenic, hypoplastic external genitalia, the body of the uterus small size, gentle. Add the uterus is determined. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Galactorrh ea- amen orrhea syndrome B. Ovarian amenorrhea C. Ov arian Syndrom e D. Arturia oberheim sem v mac osx download youtube.

Shereshe vsky-Turner Syndrome E. Shihan Syndrome 5.In women 38 years after we hypothermia were muscle pain, fever up to $ 39 ^ oC $, headache, dysuria, positive symptom Pasternatskoho. In urine: leukocyteuria, bacteriuria.

Russian Revolutionary-era photos are extensive, ranging from the immediate aftermath of the February Revolution, to the Stalinist period. Background Subjects include Russian Orthodox churches, monasteries, and ecclesiastical art; views of cities, as well as small provincial towns; secular architecture; tsarist- and Soviet-era political exiles; and the diverse peoples of the Russian Empire. A number of albums include portraits of the Tsar or the imperial family; state occasions, military maneuvers, and relaxation at the imperial hunting lodge are all depicted. Many of the imperial association albums-that is, those presented as gifts to the royal family-are of superior technical and artistic quality, and in several cases mounted in bindings that are themselves works of art, incorporating silver, wood, and other decorative elements. Represented as well are military operations, particularly during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. Ratchet induktivnosti drosselya na ferritovom koljce.

In the blood: hemoglobin decrease to 103 g / l, leukocytosis with left shift, acceleration of ESR to 32 mm / hour. Blood urea - 6.0 mmol / liter. What is the most likely diagnosis? Tuberculosis of kid neys B.

Chronic lung disease C. Acute pyelonephritis D. Acute glomerulonephritis E. Acute cystitis. 6.TO travmpunktu addressed trauma patients volyarnoyi glass surface of distal forearm.

OBJECTIVE: bending violation IV and V fingers, reduced sensiti vity of the inner surface of the back and palm of hand and finger IV. What nerve is injured? Muscle-bon e B. When a review of placental defects. A manual examination of uterine cavity, uterine massage fist. How to prevent endometritis in the postpartum period? Intrauterine instillation dioxidin B.