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Hello, here, minding the blog while Tarinae is away. Today we’re going to talk about Addon Options for the most common healer problems. I have a confession. I was not always a Grid user.

Until WOTLK, I used X-perl for raid frames. Here’s a screenie.

I cringe when I see it now. However, at the time, it was totally adequate for my needs and what I needed to track. My point is this: addons are there, and infinitely customizable, to help you see what YOU need to see. Before you start blindly switching the way you do things, you should be feeling “hey, my healing would be much more effective IF I had a way of knowing” This article is intended to point you to some addons that might help you with specific problems you’re having healing. Group and Raid Frames There are 3 widely accepted “healer raid frames.” However, depending on what you need to track, you can do just as well with raid frames from a general unit frames addon.

Torrent dora explorer season 5 torrent. I would advise against the default frames. I find them difficult to click on and change targets. Healer Raid Frames,,. Healbot is a good “starter” frame as you make the transition to healing raid frames. It is easy to set up and configured to work “out of the box.” However, you may end up wishing you could do more customization. After that, you would choose Grid or VuhDo, especially if you are frustrated with limited hot-tracking capabilities.

VuhDo is “all-in-one.” You download it. You configure its options. In configuration mode, it creates “dummy” groups, so you know how it will look in a raid setting. Grid is very “sparse” in features in its base version and is almost unusable out of the box. You would have to download a significant number of plugins to get to the funtionality of VuhDo’s base options. This can be good or bad. There is something to be said for adding only the features you need – but the frustration of dealing with multiple plugins can be a bit much.

Bottom line: Healbot is easy but not particularly customizable. VuhDo and Grid are similar in customizing options, with VuhDo having a slight edge in user-friendliness.

There are only a very few things that I do in Grid that can’t be done in VuhDo, and I suspect vice versa. (Stock Photos from General Unit frames is the one I would recommend. It comes pretty nicely configured “out of the box” and its menus are easy to understand. Shrift matrichnogo printer software (Stock photo from wowinterface. I’m not sure about how much customization you have to do to get it to look like this.) Runners-up are. Pitbull is more difficult than Shadowed Unit Frames to set up because it seemed (to me) to be more code-y in its customization. X-perl has an easy and intuitive menu, but comes out of the box with a lot of “shinies” that you will need to disable because they hog space and memory and are distracting.

A 3D portrait is always a mistake and a waste of space. Frame MUST-HAVES: Target Status Tracking (Hots, buffs, and debuffs) If your frames can’t show debuffs that you can cleanse, you need to pick different frames. The display needs to be obvious, and not just a teeny-tiny debuff at the end of the buff line. Good options include changing the color of the entire box or box border to highlight a negative effect. I would advise against a stand-alone mod such as Decursive. You are already looking at your raid frames in order to heal – having to look at a second set of frames will slow down your reaction times and you may potentially miss a status needing a cleanse.

What else you will need to track depends on your class, spell choices, and raid assignment. While druids require a unit frame that tracks hots in a detailed manner, a shaman may not need such sophisticated tracking. In general, both VuhDo and Grid (+GridStatusHots) are excellent for HOT tracking.

Links These links are just to get you started – no advanced scary stuff. Grid: – still very relevant, though from 2008. By One More Alt. Tamarind’s – very step-by-step from beginning to end. Your Status Tracking – your buffs, procs, etc I don’t know about you, but I need something to remind me to refresh inner fire and to tell me when surge of light procs (feet sparklies are NOT GOOD ENOUGH).

Recount addon

There are two good options for this:. Both of these addons can be configured to show you when something is there (i.e. A proc) or not-there (i.e. TellMeWhen has very basic options, and is what I recommend for the beginner.

Essentially you get “toolbars” of icons, and you can set them up as you wish. The bar of icons can be shown: (1) in combat only or at all times; and (2) in one spec only or in both specs. See the circled area? There’s a big fat fire on the top row.