Environmental Problems Of Kazakhstan Prezentaciya

Jun 5, 2013 - Eastern Kazakhstan Aarhus Center was created on June. Inclusion of environmental issues in the EITI (in particular through payments.

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Air pollution is a very serious problem, because polluted air can cause illness and even death. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1500 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog, the oxygen balance upsets.

Cars are polluting the air by exhaust gases and other dangerous chemicals. Virtually not only human beings pollute the air but nature itself can cause damage,for example volcanic eruptions.

But the consequences after volcanic eruptions arent so harmful as human beings, in contrast to human activities, these processes are always reversible – thought after a while the atmosphere will recover in former structure. Water recourses is one of the main factor of existing life in our planet.

People use fresh water for their needs. It is more than 2% of hydrosphere volume. First of all water pollution is the result of industrial, agricultural and everyday necessities discharge of wastes into rivers, lakes and seas. The main part of water pollution plays a large number of oil industry wastes. The main component of the Earth biosphere represents topsoil.

Soil is polluted by: litter, wastes, heavy metals, pesticides, radioactive elements. Sinking aerosol may contain heavy poisonous metals and it may lead to plants ruin.


I.Creation of different kinds of purification plants; II.Recycling. Using of conservation technologies and rational distribution of industry.

Creation of purification territorial systems.

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