Iowa Odno I Tozhe Noti Dlya Pianino

Nigerian-born Odili Donald Odita grew up in the American Midwest, and his dual identity has influenced works that fuse elements of Western modernism with African culture. Odita’s abstract paintings combine hard-edged bands of color with an earthy African palette, in patterns that also suggest West African textiles.

Voyaging Chiefs of Kane'ohe Bay: Ko'olaupoko: Stories of an Ancient Island: Traditions of O'ahu: Asia-Pacific Digital Library Voyaging Chiefs of Kane'ohe Bay See Also. Dennis Kawaharada K ane'ohe Bay is surrounded by some of the most well-watered lands in Hawai'i and some of the most beautiful mountains in the world: the Ko'olau Range­peaks, two to three thousand feet high, joined by walls of sheer green cliffs. Ka Moa'e (the ENE trade winds) sweeps warm moist air into the mountains and clouds form along the summit. Rainwater has cut steep gullies into the cliffs giving them their distinctive wrinkled appearance. When it rains, dozens of thin silvery waterfalls run down the vertical gullies; half obscured by rain and mist, the waterfalls seem to pour directly from the clouds. The names of ahupua'a around the bay celebrate the life-giving water that collects in the mountains and flows through the rolling hills and flatlands into the Bay: Waiak ane ('Water of K ane'), Wai ahole ('Water [of the] ahole fish'), Waihe'e ('Slippery water,' or 'Water [of the] octopus'). Water was so highly prized in ancient Hawai'i, it was synonymous with wealth and life. Ourtime login.


Such 'Wai-lands' were coveted by chiefs and priests; in one version of the story of the pig-god Kamapua'a, the priest Lonoaohi, who saved Kamapua'a's life, asked for all the wai-lands of O'ahu; and the generous (or foolish) pig-god granted his wish. K ane'ohe Bay is named for the ahupua'a and stream on its southern end: K ane, the god of water, and 'ohe, bamboo, one of his kinolau (bodies), which flourishes on the rainy windward sides of the islands (Abbott 15; Handy and Handy 205-206). On March 8, 1975, below the peak of K anehoalani ('K ane, Heavenly Companion') and the broad cliffs of Mo'o Kapu o H aloa ('Sacred Section of H aloa'), in Hakipu'u near the border of Kualoa at the north end of K ane'ohe Bay, a 62-foot replica of a double-hulled voyaging canoe slid down a coconut log ramp and floated calmly at sea. The canoe was named 'H ok ule'a,' 'Star of Gladness,' after Arcturus, the brightest star in the northern sky, and a zenith star of Hawai'i. H ok ule'a had been built by the Polynesian Voyaging Society to sail an ancient migration route between Hawai'i and Tahiti, celebrated in traditional stories. This launch site was chosen because of the voyaging traditions associated with Kualoa, where the voyaging chief La'amaikahiki ('Sacred One from Tahiti') lived, and Hakipu'u, the home of a voyaging chief named Kaha'i. Other famous voyaging chiefs such as Paumakua lived in the lands around K ane'ohe Bay. Grabcevich sbornik zadach po fizike dinamika reshebnik.