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Abortionist Bonino tells Catholics to welcome all immigrants At San Defendante Church The church had been made available to her by the parish priest, Fr. Mario Marchiori, despite many protests by Catholics and a sit-in aimed at blocking the meeting. The event was sponsored by a local branch of Caritas Italiana, the Church’s aid and humanitarian organization. Bonino, who supports an open-door policy for migrants, used her talk to promote the overturning of 2002 legislation that tightened Italy’s immigration laws. More than 500,000 migrants have entered Italy in the past three years, putting strain on local services and leading to heated disputes about how many refugees the country should accept. An Italian radical leftist and human rights activist, Bonino served as Italy’s Foreign Affairs Minister from 2013 to 2014. She had an illegal abortion at the age of 27 and then worked with the Information Centre on Sterilization and Abortion, which boasted of performing over 10,000 abortions carried out using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump.

Along with the late Radical Party member Marco Pannella, Bonino has long campaigned for civil rights and individual liberty, and fought for the legalisation of abortion and drugs as well as sexual and religious freedoms. In 2016, Pope Francis as one of Italy’s “forgotten greats” for her work in helping refugees in Africa, saying in an interview that he recognized she thinks differently from the Church. “True, but never mind,” he said.

“We have to look at people, at what they do.” Demographic decline At Wednesday’s meeting, Bonino, who has fought against conscientious objection rights, told the audience she had agreed to speak in the church “because I come from a practicing Catholic family, but one that taught me to respect the opinion of others.” She, then, claimed the world is overpopulated because of “poverty in Africa, where they are having children because they are poor” while Italy is facing “demographic decline” (Bonino and others like her believe sterilizing women and providing contraception is the answer). Alberto Cerutti speaks out against Bonino Her comment prompted entrepreneur and pro-life activist Alberto Cerutti to interrupt her talk. “I merely said out loud that, with her abortion choices, she is among those responsible for the population decline,” he told, “at which point I was forcibly escorted out of the church.” Cerutti said afterwards he was incensed that, despite the earlier protests, the meeting went ahead and was used to promote such “propaganda” from the Italian Radical party. Snake eater myspace. He said what happened was “not a war between Catholics, but a clash between believers and secularists” that should “make us think.” Two other Catholics, Leandro Aletti, a gynaecologist, and Giorgio Celsi of “Ora et labora,” a pro-life group, also spoke out during the event, but their protestations were drowned out by boos and whistles.

Present in the audience were several other well known radicals such as Silvio Viale who led the legalization of the abortion pill RU486. Police meanwhile questioned the group of protesters who had been praying the Rosary outside the church, and asked to see their identification and documents. Aletti said some of the police sided with the protestors.


The organizers reportedly kept the church doors tightly closed throughout the talk so that the sound of prayer would not enter the building. According to the Italian newspaper La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, that it was “absurd” to hear her arguments on immigration “from someone who does not accept our children.” Bonino replied that they were old arguments that didn’t “scare” her. “I remain convinced of individual freedom, no one can tell you what to do, everyone chooses for themselves,” she said. ‘We have no choice’ She, then, went on to say “we have no choice” but to regularize illegal immigrants “unless we want to drown them all in the Mediterranean.” The head of the local Caritas, Fr. Giovanni Perini, spoke in support of Bonino at the meeting, saying “we have no right to make life difficult for others” and accused anyone concerned about immigration of fueling human trafficking, crime and exploitation.