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PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI Session Session 55 Data Data Modeling Modeling nd Based Based on on System System Analysis Analysis && Design Design 22nd Edition Edition Authors Authors:: Alan Alan Dennis Dennis && Barbara Barbara Haley Haley Wixom Wixom Publisher Publisher:: John John Wiley Wiley && Sons Sons PowerPoint Course Material for SCELE Graduate Program Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science – UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA Objectives Objectives Understand the rules and style guidelines for creating entity relationship diagrams. Be able to create an entity relationship diagram. Become familiar with the data dictionary and metadata. Become familiar with the process of normalization. Understand how to balance between entity relationship diagrams. 2 PowerPoint Course Material for SCELE Graduate Program Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science – University of Indonesia Key Key Definitions Definitions Data model A formal way of representing the data that are used and created by a business system Shows the people, places and things about which data is captured and the relationships among them. Logical data model shows the organization of data without indicating how it is stored, created, or manipulated 3 PowerPoint Course Material for SCELE Graduate Program Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science – University of Indonesia Key Key Definition Definition Physical data model shows how the data will actually be stored in databases or files.

Normalization is the process analysts use to validate data models. Data models should balance with process models 4 PowerPoint Course Material for SCELE Graduate Program Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science – University of Indonesia THE ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (ERD) 5 PowerPoint Course Material for SCELE Graduate Program Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science – University of Indonesia What What Is Is an an ERD? A picture showing the information created, stored, and used by a business system. Entities generally represent similar kinds of information Lines drawn between entities show relationships among the data High level business rules are also shown 6 PowerPoint Course Material for SCELE Graduate Program Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science – University of Indonesia Using Using the the ERD ERD to to Show Show Business Business Rules Rules Business rules are constraints that are followed when the system is in operation.

Preview PDF - Published Version Abstract The school library is a library that serves students, teachers and employees of a particular school. The school library was established to support the attainment of school goals, namely education and teaching as outlined in the school curriculum. Metz mecablitz 32 z 1 manual. The problems that are often faced by the Library of SMA 1 Mlonggo Jepara for this is in terms of lending transactions and book search.

Library System SMA 1 Mlonggo Jepara been using a manual system that has a lot of weakness - a weakness that is slow transaction records, old book search as yet structured based on the code, and the making of reports that take a long time. System development method used in this study is a prototype which begins with the collection needs, then developing, defining needs. System design using DFD, ERD and data dictionary. Making the program using the programming Dreamweaver, PHP and MySQL AppServ. The results of this research is the creation of a library information system SMAN 1 Mlonggo Jepara which can be used to assist the library in processing information borrowing and returning books section of the library where the only insert data and processing is done only in a computerized library services so it can accelerate better and can reduce errors in saaat borrowing and returning books that usually occurs in the manual system. Item Type: Article Subjects: Divisions: Depositing User: Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2014 08:44 Last Modified: 22 Nov 2014 05:43 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.