Arhitekturnij Shrift

Ravnikar - Potokar arhitekturni biro d.o.o. The console horizontal shift of classrooms on the first floor define and cover the individual entrances in building: the. Naloga podaja pogled v zgodovino nastanka obeh cerkva, njun arhitekturni opis, umestitev v arhitektov opus, umestitev v arhitekturo 19. Stoletja na Slovenskem.

Language: Slovenian Work type: Diploma project paper (mb13) Organization: FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Abstract: V projektni nalogi je kozolec predstavljen kot bivanjska hiša. Tradicionalni kozolec je dobil novo vlogo, ki je odraz potreb sodobne družbe. Skozi celotno projektno nalogo smo poskušali čim bolj ohraniti videz tradicionalnega kozolca, vendar pa je zaradi spremembe namembnosti to bil izziv. Da bi čim manj spremenili videz, smo uporabili naravni material: les in steklo, ki je manj opazno. Osnovni kozolec je tipičen dolenjski kozolec, zato je tudi umeščen v ta del Slovenije. Prenovljen arhitekturni spomenik je funkcijsko prilagojen tako, da ustreza potrebam štiričlanske družine bivanja v njem.

Keywords:,,, Year of publishing: 2017 Source: Maribor License: This work is available under this license: Views: 473 Downloads: 142 Metadata: Categories:. Hover the mouse pointer over a document title to show the abstract or click on the title to get all document metadata.

Secondary language Language: English Title: LIVING HOUSE – HAYRACK (MAINTENANCE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN SLOVENIA) Abstract: In my project work the hayrack is introduced as a house. A traditional hayrack has gotten a new role, which is a reflection of modern society needs. Throughout the project, we tried to maintain the looks of a hayrack as traditional as possible. We had to modify the purpose of the building, so the looks were a challenge. To change the appearance, we used natural materials: wood and glass, that are less striking. A basic hayrack is a tipical hayrack of Dolenjska, which is why it is also placed to that part of Slovenia.

A modernised architectural monument is modified by function so that it meets the needs of a family of four members. Pixies discography album. Keywords:,,, Comments.

Courtesy of FREE + OODA Architecture is often considered a social art of function adjustment that seeks an implicit idea of permanence and formal consistency. This usually results in a demand for a creation that sustains the progress of time in an attitude of survival and maturation. However, on this intervention by architecture firms and, the building’s integration and urban landscape was based on the awareness of the direct relationship that the site has with works by internationally renowned architects (SANAA and Alcino Soutinho) and in compliance with the heterogeneity of the surrounding urban fabric.

Arhitekturnij Shrift

Thus, the building assumes its identity but deliberately quiet and in continuity with the pre-existence. More images and architects’ description after the break. © Pato Safko The “” civic association, in collaboration with the studio, have prepared an instant urban intervention under a bridge. The situation in regard to quality of the environment at the bus terminal under the New Bridge in has been bad for a long time. People have to wait for their bus connections in a totally unsuitable area, and we consider it a disgrace that the city of leaves its citizens and tax-payers to function in such an inadequate environment. More images and architects’ description after the break.

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